Sunday Hands-on Workshops
via Interactive

GET A GRIP: Treating Elbow, Wrist & Hand Pain
2025 Schedule TBA

 Resolving Low Back & Hip Pain
Oct. 27, 2024

Freeing the Neck & Jaw
2025 Schedule TBA

Stabilizing the Feet & Legs
2025 Schedule TBA

Restoring Shoulder Function & Balance
2025 Schedule TBA

Workshop-in-Webinar-Format Details
  • 9 am-5 pm Central; 10 am-6 pm Eastern
  • Hands-On Guided Learning via Zoom
    IMPORTANT: You’ll need a massage table & a practice partner after lunch, ideally a fellow therapist. Or recruit a family member or friend to practice both receiving and giving supervised treatments. 
  • Student Reference Manual provided
  • FREE VIDEOS of hands-on techniques included in 3-4 weeks follow-up
  • $165 for 8 NCBTMB + FL, IA, AZ, KY, NM, TN, VA (& many others!) Board-approved HANDS-ON CEUs
    With rare exceptions, states recognize NCBTMB course approval & accept CEUs for at least “distance learning” credit, and many state explicitly accept our Webinars for “hands-on” credit. If you are not sure, check with your state board.

    Reviews from therapists about the Workshops-via-Webinars: 4.75 rating out of 5

“I enjoyed the webinar format. I learned as much as I would in a traditional classroom setting, if not more. I was able to focus 100% on the materials and techniques without all of the fuss, inconvenience and distraction of travel.”

“So convenient and cost-effective! I’ve had to travel over two hours for CEU’s because of a huge lack of hands-on classes being held in my area, and have paid twice as much, plus the cost of gas and hotels!”

“I thought this was the best massage continuing ed class I have taken so far and would definitely take another class from Cathy and recommend it to other therapists I know. The information was presented clearly and there was enough to be thorough but not too much so it was excessive. The short breaks were also nice, the stretching near the end was a great addition, and I appreciated how efficient she was overall. Also, I appreciated that she gave individual feedback to people, and obviously was excited and interested in the material she was teaching.”

“I’ve been taking Cathy’s classes since I graduated from Massage Therapy School 16 years ago, and I credit her workshops to my success as a full-time Massage Therapist.  I give credit to my training with the BeyondTriggerPoints Seminars where you can start implementing what you’ve learned immediately.  I cannot recommend Cathy’s classes highly enough.  She’s simply the BEST!”

Live Interactive Hands-On
Workshops-in-Webinar Format
4th Sunday Every Month

Resolving Low Back & Hip Pain

Get hands-on experience relieving myofascial back & hip pain
with Travell & Simons’ proven Trigger Point Therapy techniques
Sun. October 27, 2024

9 am-5 pm Central; 10 am-6 pm Eastern

 8 CEUs $165


Upgrade your Skill-Set for Treating Sneaky & Stubborn
Low Back & Hip Pain Conditions

  •  Apply the Connect the Dots system for treating stubborn low back & hip myofascial pain with trigger point release, myofascial manipulation & stretch techniques
  • Practice treatment protocols for the 4 most commonly affected muscle groups in the low back: Gluteus Minimus & Medius, Quadratus Lumborum & Paravertebrals, including the superficial & deep Paraspinals of the Erector Spinae, Multifidi & Rotatores 
  • Locate & treat trigger points in these key muscle groups 
  • Connect the dots to identify the perpetuating factors affecting their low back & hip, including those biomechanical habits that keep them in pain 
  • Learn an effective 5-step neuromuscular massage protocol for the low back & hip that will fit easily in your normal routine

Therapist Self-Care protocols for a long & healthy career

  • Guidance on proper stance at the table & stacking the joints to avoid your own risk of low back pain
  • You’ll also get client education resources for mitigating perpetuating factors for specific low back & hip issues
  • Advice on proper sleep position, use of erogonomic tools, behavioral guidelines etc.

    Reviews from therapists about the Workshops-via-Webinars: 4.75 rating out of 5

“I enjoyed the webinar format. I learned as much as I would in a traditional classroom setting, if not more. I was able to focus 100% on the materials and techniques without all of the fuss, inconvenience and distraction of travel.”

“This seminar is one of the best seminars I have taken.
I felt like the content and instruction were fantastic.
I wasn’t sure how effective the web live format would be, but I feel that in some ways it was better than a live class.
I felt like I was better able to see and hear the entire class than in a live session.
It also seemed that it was easier for the instructor to view each student and their work.”  Connie W, LMT

“The content and flow of material was perfect for a live webinar.”
The demo videos were well done and I especially thought Cathy was amazing.”

“I thought this was the best massage continuing ed class I have taken so far and would definitely take another class from Cathy and recommend it to other therapists.
The information was presented clearly and there was enough to be thorough but not too much so it was excessive. The short breaks were also nice, the stretching near the end was a great addition, and I appreciated how efficient she was overall.
Also, I appreciated that she gave individual feedback to people, and obviously was excited and interested in the material she was teaching.”

“The clear instructions made the class fun and simple. I felt confident with all the techniques.”
“This was my first time taking an online class. I felt it was possibly even better than in person. Very clear instructions!”

“The convenience of taking the class from home and receiving hands on credits puts it above most if not all continuing ed classes I’ve taken…..Thank You!”

“I felt as if I was in a hands-on seminar!”

More Reviews from students …


Stabilizing the Feet & Legs
for Pain-Free Mobility

Trigger Point Therapies for Restoring Pain-Free Mobility

2025 Dates TBA
email for updates on 2025 schedule

9 am-5 pm Central; 10 am-6 pm Eastern

8 CEUs $165


Get hands-on experience relieving myofascial pain
with Travell & Simons’ proven Trigger Point Therapy techniques

  • Identify the muscle groups that can harbor trigger points in the legs & feet
  • Discover easier ways to relieve pain with trigger point release, myofascial manipulation, neuromuscular massage & perpetuating factor corrections
  • Practice & receive an effective 5-step treatment sequence for the Tibialis Anterior, Fibularis, Gastrocnemius, Soleus, Abductor Halucis & Abductor Digiti Minimi muscles
  • Learn how to easily incorporate these techniques into your usual massage routine
  • Relieve the excruciating pain of calf cramps by treating specific trigger points

 “Connect the Dots” between posture & leg, foot & ankle pain

  • Develop your detective skills to assess & re-educate your client on key behavioral & postural factors
  • Discover how foot problems can generate a “ripple effect” up into the hips, back & upper body 
  • Upgrade your structural evaluation skills for the arches & ankles
  • Apply the Connect the Dots system to identify & successfully treat Morton’s Foot & the “pain chain reaction” caused by ankle pronation
  • Improve your communication skills with clients and upgrade your intake accuracy

Reviews from therapists about the Workshops-via-Webinars: 4.75 rating out of 5

“One of the best continuing ed classes I’ve ever taken in the last 15 years.”

“I enjoyed the webinar format. I learned as much as I would in a traditional classroom setting, if not more. I was able to focus 100% on the materials and techniques without all of the fuss, inconvenience and distraction of travel.”

“I thought this was the best massage continuing ed class I have taken so far and would definitely take another class from Cathy and recommend it to other therapists I know. The information was presented clearly and there was enough to be thorough but not too much so it was excessive. The short breaks were also nice, the stretching near the end was a great addition, and I appreciated how efficient she was overall. Also, I appreciated that she gave individual feedback to people, and obviously was excited and interested in the material she was teaching.”

“This seminar is one of the best seminars I have taken.
I felt like the content and instruction were fantastic.
I wasn’t sure how effective the web live format would be, but I feel that in
some ways it was better than a live class.
I felt like I was better able to see and hear the entire class than in a live session.
It also seemed that it was easier for the instructor to view each student and their work.

Connie W, LMT

“The content and flow of material was perfect for a live webinar.”
The demo videos were well done and I especially thought Cathy was amazing.”
“This was my 1st webinar and I truly enjoyed it — I felt as if I was in a hands-on seminar!“The clear instructions made the class fun and simple. I felt confident with all the techniques.”

“This was my first time taking an online class. I felt it was possibly even better than in person. Very clear instructions!”
More Reviews from students …  


Trigger Point Solutions for Relieving Head, Neck & Jaw Pain

2025 Dates TBA
email for updates on 2025 schedule

9 am-5 pm Central; 10 am-6 pm Eastern

8 CEUs $165


Get hands-on experience relieving myofascial pain
with Travell & Simons’ proven Trigger Point Therapy techniques

Bring lasting relief to your clients with myofascial neck & head pain

  • Bring lasting relief to your clients with myofascial neck, jaw & head pain
  • Identify & treat the muscles that can harbor trigger points in the neck
  • Practice protocols for assessing and treating TMJ pain related to lateral pterygoid trigger points
  • Discover easier ways to relieve pain with trigger point release, myofascial manipulation, neuromuscular massage & perpetuating factor corrections
  • Practice & receive an effective 5-step treatment sequence for the 5-step treatment sequence for the Trapezius, SCM, Splenius, Posterior Cervicals, Suboccipital, Temporalis, Masseter & Lateral Pterygoid muscles

“Connect the Dots” between posture, neck & head pain

  • Develop your detective skills to assess & re-educate your client on key behavioral & postural factors that perpetuate neck
  • Discover the hidden links between sleep position & neck & head pain
  • Differentiate various headache patterns by accessing different layers of the posterior cervical muscles
  • Apply the Connect the Dots system to determine the biomechanical factors of common cervical problems: Lower Limb Length Inequality, Small Hemipelvis & Short Upper Arms

Reviews from therapists about the Workshops-via-Webinars: 4.75 rating out of 5

“I enjoyed the webinar format. I learned as much as I would in a traditional classroom setting, if not more. I was able to focus 100% on the materials and techniques without all of the fuss, inconvenience and distraction of travel.”
“This seminar is one of the best seminars I have taken.
I felt like the content and instruction were fantastic.
I wasn’t sure how effective the web live format would be, but I feel that in
some ways it was better than a live class.
I felt like I was better able to see and hear the entire class than in a live session.
It also seemed that it was easier for the instructor to view each student and their work.

Connie W, LMT

“The content and flow of material was perfect for a live webinar.”The demo videos were well done and I especially thought Cathy was amazing.”
“This was my 1st webinar and I truly enjoyed it — I felt as if I was in a hands-on seminar!”
“The clear instructions made the class fun and simple. I felt confident with all the techniques.”

“This was my first time taking an online class. I felt it was possibly even better than in person. Very clear instructions!”
More Reviews from students …  


Restoring Shoulder Function & Balance

Get hands-on experience relieving myofascial pain
with Travell & Simons’ proven Trigger Point Therapy techniques

2025 Dates TBA
email for updates on 2025 schedule

9 am-5 pm Central; 10 am-6 pm Eastern

8 CEUs $165


Discover new techniques to confidently treat
myofascial pain in the shoulder 

  • Discover how to relieve stubborn shoulder pain with trigger point release, myofascial manipulation & postural corrections
  • Identify the biomechanical factors contributing to rotator cuff tears
  • Practice & receive an effective 5-step treatment sequence for Posterior serratus superior, Infraspinatus, Supraspinatus, Subscapularis, Pectoralis Major & Minor muscles.
  • Learn how to easily incorporate these techniques into your usual massage routine
  • Practice how to use less effort for better results by applying trigger point release, myofascial spreading & stretching

Apply the Connect the Dots System to treat trigger points in the shoulder

  • Develop your detective skills to assess & re-educate your client on key behavioral & postural factors that cause or perpetuate shoulder pain
  • Learn specific home correctives for common shoulder dysfunctions
  • Upgrade your intake & evaluation skills to develop custom treatment plans for your clients
  • Develop your “Pain Detective” skills to relate specific injuries to predictable shoulder pain patterns

Reviews from therapists about Workshops-via-Webinars: 4.75 rating out of 5
“I like that part where I didn’t have to wake up at 4 in the morning and drive 2 hours to go to a class and then drive 2 hours at the end dead tired. (Getting a hotel isn’t in the budget for money or time).
I feel like I learned as much this way as I would have in person.”

“I enjoyed the webinar format. I learned as much as I would in a traditional classroom setting, if not more. I was able to focus 100% on the materials and techniques without all of the fuss, inconvenience and distraction of travel. I wasn’t sure how effective the web live format would be, but I feel that in some ways it was better than a live class. I felt like I was better able to see and hear the entire class than in a live session. It also seemed that it was easier for the instructor to view each student and their work.  Connie W, LMT

“The content and flow of material was perfect for a live webinar.”
The demo videos were well done and I especially thought Cathy was amazing.”
“This was my 1st webinar and I truly enjoyed it — I felt as if I was in a hands-on seminar!”

“The clear instructions made the class fun and simple. I felt confident with all the techniques.”
“This was my first time taking an online class. I felt it was possibly even better than in person. Very clear instructions!”

“The convenience of taking the class from home and receiving hands on credits puts it above most if not all continuing ed classes I’ve taken…Thank You!”
“I was able to see the applications of the techniques better than in a live class, where everyone is standing around a table trying to get a better view.”

More Reviews from students …


Treating Elbow, Wrist, & Hand Pain

Get hands-on experience relieving myofascial pain
with Travell & Simons’ proven Trigger Point Therapy techniques

2025 Dates TBA

9 am-5 pm Central; 10 am-6 pm Eastern

 8 CEUs $165

“Cathy, I was able to totally eliminate carpal tunnel pain in several professionals using the knowledge I gained from your Beyond Trigger Points course! Thank-you!”   C.M., LMT

GET A GRIP WEBINAR DEMO: Wrist Extensors    

Upgrade your Skill-Set for Treating Stubborn
Hand & Arm Dysfunctions

  •  Discover easier ways to relieve arm, wrist and hand pain with trigger point release, myofascial manipulation & nerve gliding stretches for the median and ulnar nerves
  • Learn an effective new neuromuscular massage routine for the arms & hands
  • Use the Connect the Dots system to deduce the perpetuating factors that lead to hand & wrist dysfunction

Hand & Arm Problem Assessment & Treatment:
Go Beyond & Go Deeper

  • Treat the soft tissue associated with wrist, elbow, thumb & finger dysfunction
  • Improve your detective skills in differentiating the diagnoses of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis, tendonitis, & tendonosis of the wrist & thumb
  • Use the Connect the Dots system to deduce the perpetuating factors that lead to hand & wrist dysfunction

    Therapist Self-Care protocols for a long & healthy career
  • Identify your own personal risk factors for hand/wrist injury
  • Guidance on proper stance at the table, stacking the joints, using elbows as tools, how to protect your thumbs, restorative hand & wrist exercises, etc.
  • You’ll also get client education resources for mitigating perpetuating factors for specific hand/wrist/forearm issues
  • Advice on proper sleep position, use of erogonomic tools, behavioral guidelines etc.



Reviews from therapists about the Workshops-via-Webinars: 4.75 rating out of 5
“I like that part where I didn’t have to wake up at 4 in the morning and drive 2 hours to go to a class and then drive 2 hours at the end dead tired. (Getting a hotel isn’t in the budget for money or time). I feel like I learned as much this way as I would have in person.”

“I enjoyed the webinar format. I learned as much as I would in a traditional classroom setting, if not more. I was able to focus 100% on the materials and techniques without all of the fuss, inconvenience and distraction of travel. I wasn’t sure how effective the web live format would be, but I feel that in some ways it was better than a live class. I felt like I was better able to see and hear the entire class than in a live session. It also seemed that it was easier for the instructor to view each student and their work.  Connie W, LMT

“The content and flow of material was perfect for a live webinar.”
The demo videos were well done and I especially thought Cathy was amazing.”
“This was my 1st webinar and I truly enjoyed it — I felt as if I was in a hands-on seminar!”

“The clear instructions made the class fun and simple. I felt confident with all the techniques.”
“This was my first time taking an online class. I felt it was possibly even better than in person. Very clear instructions!”

“The convenience of taking the class from home and receiving hands on credits puts it above most if not all continuing ed classes I’ve taken…Thank You!”
“I was able to see the applications of the techniques better than in a live class, where everyone is standing around a table trying to get a better view.”

More Reviews from students …


Cancellation & Refund Policy

In the unlikely event a Webinar or live Seminar is cancelled or rescheduled by us, you may transfer your paid registration fee to the rescheduled date, apply it to a different Webinar, live class or online course, or request a full refund. 
If after registering for a Webinar or other live class, you realize you cannot attend and you notify us on or prior to the Tuesday preceding the class, you may transfer (one time only) your full paid registration fee to another Webinar or online course held by BeyondTriggerPoints within the following 6 months.
If you notify us of your withdrawal from the class on or after the Wednesday preceding the class no transfers or refunds are possible.  (Exceptions may be made in extraordinary circumstances such as death in the family or hospitalization, in which case a transfer to the same class in the next 6 months might be possible.)



About Cathy Cohen, LMT

Approved National CEU Educator
NCBTMB #450949-09

Florida Board of Massage Therapy: 50-302
Iowa Board of Massage Therapy: 109243



Cathy Cohen, LMT is a National and Florida approved CEU Provider and Board Certified Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist. She provides live and online massage-therapy continuing education for massage therapists. Her students include many who are new to Trigger Point Therapy, as well as experienced Trigger Point Therapists who seek out her advanced knowledge and coaching.

Cathy has practiced myofascial therapies since the 1980s and has been teaching for over 20 years. She knows how frustrated both clients and therapists can become when dealing with muscular pain. Fortunately her background as a Trigger Point Myotherapist and Structural Integration therapist has equipped her with the confidence and skills to assess and treat myofascial pain syndromes.

Cathy’s deep insight into physical balance, structural alignment, and self-care comes through her own long experience in yoga and ballroom dance, as well as through her formal education as a biologist. Cathy trained with Dr. Janet Travell, the leading pioneer in myofascial pain syndromes and former White House Physician, and with Nancy Shaw and George Kousaleos (CORE Structural Integration).

In 2015 Cathy co-created an innovative online video self-help therapy program for resolving carpal tunnel pain problems that has helped clients (including many massage and body work therapists!) to systematically heal their hand and wrist issues.

In her practice and her teaching, Cathy specializes in resolving chronic musculoskeletal pain and structural alignment issues. Her leading-edge educational program, is a resource used by therapists and healthcare providers nationwide. Cathy has personally trained over 2,600 therapists in advanced Trigger Point Therapy protocols.

Cathy developed the in-depth Going Beyond Trigger Points Seminars to provide therapists with the best possible advanced training. The unique Connect the Dots System makes it easier for students to integrate and apply the breadth and depth of Travell and Simons’ Myofascial Trigger Point knowledge, supported by the postural restoration protocols of Structural Integration.

In addition to giving students a firm foundation in the essentials, she provides specialized advanced training for systematically identifying and addressing the postural and behavioral conditions that perpetuate clients’ postural dysfunctions and myofascial pain.

” I thoroughly enjoyed your workshop! The material was exactly what I was hoping for and beyond. The protocol to follow and the format was precise and informative. I feel I have real tools with a genuine understanding of why they work. Wonderful! It will literally change the way I work. I truly believe it is one of the most powerful and empowering approaches to healing and pain management… for client AND practitioner! Elle Harmon, LMT

The Going Beyond Trigger Points Seminars format provides three-courses-in-one:

  1. Students get hands-on training in Trigger Point Therapy with abundant individual attention.
  2. Students receive thorough training and practice in essential Therapist Self-Care protocols.
  3. After the webinar, students receive a four week Follow-Up & Enrichment Program including review videos of the techniques and routines for each webinar to ensure retention and integration of the new knowledge and skills.

With 30 years experience teaching and motivating patients and students in clinical, classroom and online settings, Cathy is deeply dedicated to helping people improve the quality of their lives, and to assisting therapists in caring for their own bodies as they treat others.

What are the unique features & benefits of the
Going Beyond Trigger Points Connect The Dots System SM  ?

The Going Beyond Trigger Points Connect The Dots System is an advanced continuing education program for Massage Therapists.
It teaches a comprehensive pain therapy system that Massage Therapists can apply in their daily practice. It integrates the work of Dr. Janet Travell, the originator of myofascial trigger point therapy, into a highly accessible system that Massage Therapists can easily apply to resolve their clients’ pain conditions.
Going Beyond Trigger Points Connect The Dots System integrates four essential bodies of therapeutic knowledge into one coordinated and easy to use system:

  1. Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy to relieve pain caused by myofascial trigger points.
  2. Advanced myofascial therapeutic massage techniques, such as cross-fiber friction, longitudinal stripping, myofascial spreading, and cyro-stimulated pain-free stretching.
  3. Neuromuscular re-education protocols to re-train dysfunctional muscular and fascial systems, based on a thorough assessment of the client’s condition, including related activating and perpetuating factors
  4. Structural Integration / Postural Realignment / Kinesiological Therapies to restore overall healthy posture and structural balance

Some form of myofascial therapy, and even a superficial introduction to trigger points, is often included in the basic curriculum at many massage schools. However, the breadth and depth of knowledge of Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy is rich and vast. It requires time, dedication, and a desire to go beyond routine massage sessions to provide genuine lasting pain relief.
Cathy Cohen, LMT, the developer of the Going Beyond Trigger Points Connect The Dots SystemSM received extensive training in Trigger Point therapy – over 1,000 hours simply to be qualified as an entrylevel Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist.
Cathy’s’ graduate studies included personal mentoring by Dr. Travell, certification as a CORE Structural Integration Therapist from George Kousaleos, and advanced training in Myofascial Release from John Barnes.

“Going Beyond Trigger Points is truly a graduate-level program. After I mastered the complex technical knowledge of trigger points, I had to find my own path to incorporating this into a do- able therapeutic massage session.”
“Out of that experience I developed my Going Beyond Trigger Points Connect The Dots System so that other massage therapists could ‘fast-track’ into becoming qualified Myofascial Trigger Point Therapists. By now, more than 2,600 therapists have taken my seminars and are successfully treating their clients using these techniques.”

Cathy Cohen, LMT, Board Certified Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist, NCBTMB Approved Continuing Educator –NCBTMB #450949-09